My name is Amber Jones and I am a Philadelphia based React developer. Laying down code and accumulating knowledge since late 2020 I also have experience with TypeScript, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS as well as a base knowledge of WordPress. I value accessibility in my projects and bettering my knowledge through continuous learning.

I work well remotely, learn quickly on the job, and work well with diverse teams. I have a background in customer service and art, providing me with good communication skills and exposure to design foundations and software.


Much of my work has been on proprietary software and private code repositories I am providing links to several of the sites or products that I have worked on.

My work for Shifter included redevelopment of the product site, improvements to product dashboards, and blog posts and technical documentation editing. For the East Passyunk site please note the linked site is based on the site design my team completed, the current site is a WordPress site migrated from a headless WordPress site using Next.js. All source code mentioned here is owned by a previous employer and is unavailable for viewing.

portrait image of page owner

Interested in connecting?

If you think I may be a good fit for your project or team feel free to view my GitHub or connect via email or LinkedIn. I would be happy to set up an introductory meeting to learn more about each other.